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Texas instruments (TI) advanced network and communications solutions with the U.S. government is the main supply of LGS innovation company recently announced it will in the next generation of LGS innovation company stationary and portable deployable communications and cooperation in the field of wireless solutions. TI is based on the KeyStone of ™ system (including TCI6630K2L) can be realized on a performance improvement and smaller size and energy consumption, by making full use of such combination advantage, LGS innovative companies will be able to in the next generation of tactical communication solutions to enhance the performance of many sided, making their products in different of his competitors.



"We believe that by adopting TI wireless architecture platform, TCI6630K2L to meet the demand of the government mission critical communications solutions bring significant changes," LGS advanced research and technology innovation company CTO Ted Fidder said, "by making full use of TI KeyStone SoC programmability, we can reduce the solution time to market, and has the unprecedented performance and flexibility."


By combining TI the KeyStone of SoC and multi-core software development kit (MCSDK) and RF software development kit (RFSDK), LGS innovations to the user for the government to develop a complete system, including government users against the CDMA, GSM, WCDMA, 3 g, 4 g, WiMax and wi-fi, and other functions. TI's wireless architecture will be the fastest double ARM ® SoC architecture ® - A15 processor and TI fixed point and floating-point TMS320C66x digital signal processor (DSP) kernel as part of the TI efficient KeyStone SoC architecture. RFSDK also can provide integrated RF control function, thus greatly improve the efficacy.


"To be able to cooperate with LGS innovative companies to develop the next generation of portable and fixed communications solutions, we are very excited," TI's director of marketing and business communication processor department manager Robert Ferguson


, "said LGS innovation co., LTD. Is a user for the government to provide the major suppliers of innovative products and solutions, and to help customers solve the most complex issues with a good reputation, and we are the KeyStone of SoC products will lead to LGS innovative companies in the field of work better."


Source: world electronic products

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